opposite words antonyms meaning opposite words in english synonyms and antonyms antonyms opposite of deep fat opposite word deep opposite word
- opposite words
- antonyms meaning
- opposite words in english
- synonyms and antonyms
- antonyms
- opposite of deep
- fat opposite word
- deep opposite word
- Above - below
- Accept - refuse
- Active - passive
- Admit - deny
- Agree - disagree
- Alive - dead
- Attack - defend
- Aawere - unaware
- Accurate - inaccurate
- Arm - disarm
- Ancient - modern
- Appear - disappear
- Barren - fertile
- Barbarous- civilized
- Benifit - loss
- Big - small
- Blame - praise
- Blunt - sharp
- Bright - dull
- Broad - narrow
- Believe - disbelieve
- Conceal - reveal
- Consent - dissent
- Civilized - savage
- Care - neglect
- Clean - dirty
- Cool - warm
- Cold - hot
- Cruel - kind
- Continue - discontinue
- Deep - shallow
- Debtor - creditor
- Dark - light
- Danger - safety
- Death - birth
- Diminish - increase
- Eligible - ineligible
- Early - late
- Earn - spent
- Empty - full
- Extent - limit
- Enjoy - suffer
- Encourage - discourage
- Exterior - interior
- Friendly - hostile
- Fame - defame
- Freedom - slavery
- Fierce - gentle
- False - true
- Fat - lean
- Final - initial
- Fine - coarse
- Foolish - wise
- Fortunate - unfortunate
- Guilty - innocent
- Gain - loss
- Gentle - rude
- Grant - reject
- Good - bad
- Guide - misguide
- Grateful - ungrateful
- Handsome - ugly
- Happiness - unhappiness
- High - low
- Hard - easy
- Hopeful - hopeless
- Honour - dishonour
- Head - tail
- Import - export
- Include - exclude
- Joy - sorrow
- Junior - senior
- Knowladge - Ignorance
- Kind - unkind
- Lie - truth
- Loose - tight
- Like - dislike
- Literate - illiterate
- Limited - unlimited
- Majority - minority
- Maximum - minimum
- Natural - unnatural
- Noise - silence
- Oral - written
- optimist - pessimist
- Offensive - defensive
- Obey - disobey
- Offline - online
- Prosperity - adversity
- Plenty - scarcity
- Perfect - imperfect
- Permanent - temporary
- Present - absent
- Profit - loss
- Pure - impure
- Please - displease
- Quit - occupy
- Quick - slow
- Real - unreal
- Relief - trouble
- Rough - smooth
- Remember - forget
- Rich - poor
- Religious - secular
- Synonym - anonym
- Simple - complex
- Superior - inferior
- Secret - open
- Soft - hard
- Strange - familiar
- Safe - unsafe
- Thick - thin
- Tie - untie
- Timid - bold
- Victory - defeat
- Virtue - vice
- Weak - strong
- Wild - Tame
- Wisdom - folly
- wise - foolish
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